Python 3 comes with ArcGIS Pro and QGIS 3.x (and other software as well).
You can also install a standalone copy:
Check if Python is installed by opening terminal/command prompt and entering:
py --version
python --version
You might have multiple versions of Python installed.
That is ok, you just need to be mindful of which libraries are installed on each version.
Your standard Python install comes with many libraries (reusable code), but you will likely need to add some additional packages.
You can use pip or conda to install new packages.
Check if pip is installed by opening terminal/command prompt and entering:
pip --version
If you don't see pip, install by entering:
python -m ensurepip --upgrade
py -m ensurepip --upgrade
You are less likely to have conda already installed than pip. Conda is beneficial because it does well handling dependencies.
It also can be troublesome with multiple installs.
Check your install by opening Terminal/Command and typing:
conda list
Do not mix conda and pip installs!
If you can't find Python or pip, but know it is installed, they may not be entered into PATH.
Linux: Open .bashrc from your Home directory in text editor.
vi .bash_profile
Scroll to the bottom and enter the following on a new line, then save.
export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin/python"
(adjust your path if you installed in a different location)
If your computer is very restricted and you can't edit PATH, you can temporarily set it in Terminal/Command.
export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin/python"
set PATH=C:\Program Files\Python 3.7;%PATH%
Monterey is known as the site of the only pirate attack in California history.
Hipolito Bouchard was a privateer (i.e. government sanctioned pirate) who attacked Monterey in 1818.
Read more about his exploits here: Monterey Historical Society or a colorful essay here: Monterey County Weekly
Today you will be a pirate!
Well be working with several nautical datasets:
Data for QGIS users is in the geopackage.
Data for ArcGIS Pro users is in the geodatabase.
(ArcGIS Pro is very limited in Geopackage functionality)
Let's remove some pesky parenthesis in the field names.
Open the Python console inside QGIS desktop. Click on the Show Editor button to add your script.
Add World_Ports from the geopackage.
Select the World_Ports layer in the Layers list and then copy and paste this script into the Python Console Editor. Click Run.
layer = iface.activeLayer()
for field in layer.fields():
idx = layer.fields().lookupField(
new_name =[:-4]
layer.renameAttribute(idx, new_name)
This script remove the "(m)" from field names. The parenthesis seemed to cause a problem with field calculations.
First we indicate this function will be performed on the active layer and start editing it in-place.
layer = iface.activeLayer()
for field in layer.fields():
idx = layer.fields().lookupField(
new_name =[:-4]
layer.renameAttribute(idx, new_name)
Next we loop through all the fields in the layer.
layer = iface.activeLayer()
for field in layer.fields():
idx = layer.fields().lookupField(
new_name =[:-4]
layer.renameAttribute(idx, new_name)
Then we look for fields that end with (m)
layer = iface.activeLayer()
for field in layer.fields():
idx = layer.fields().lookupField(
new_name =[:-4]
layer.renameAttribute(idx, new_name)
We assign the existing field name to a variable and create a 2nd variable to hold the new field name which is the old minus the last 4 characters.
We then rename the field by using these variables.
layer = iface.activeLayer()
for field in layer.fields():
old_name = layer.fields().lookupField(
new_name =[:-4]
layer.renameAttribute(old_name, new_name)
Finally, we save our edits.
layer = iface.activeLayer()
for field in layer.fields():
old_name = layer.fields().lookupField(
new_name =[:-4]
layer.renameAttribute(old_name, new_name)
Because ArcGIS Pro is very sensitive, I also cleaned up the field names to make them exportable to geodatabase.
import re
layer = iface.activeLayer()
for field in layer.fields():
idx = layer.fields().lookupField(
new_name = re.sub(r'[^0-9A-za-z]','',
layer.renameAttribute(idx, new_name)
Regular Expressions (or regex for short) are handy ways to match/search.
Like Python, there are lots of free resources to learn such as:
import re
layer = iface.activeLayer()
for field in layer.fields():
idx = layer.fields().lookupField(
new_name = re.sub(r'[^0-9A-za-z]','',
layer.renameAttribute(idx, new_name)
Here we remove everything that isn't a number or letter.
Open the Python console inside ArcGIS Pro.
Add World_Ports from the geodatabase.
Select your World_Ports layer in the Layers list and then copy and paste this script into the Python Console Editor. Press enter twice to run.
fc = 'World_Ports'
fieldList = arcpy.ListFields(fc)
for field in fieldList:
fname =
if 'Communications' in fname:
new_name = fname.replace('Communications', 'Comms')
arcpy.AlterField_management(fc,, new_name,\
This script finds fields with "Communications" in the name and replaces that text with Comms. There's no particular need to do this (I just wanted an ArcGIS example!).
First we list all the field names in the World_Ports layer.
fc = 'World_Ports'
fieldList = arcpy.ListFields(fc)
for field in fieldList:
fname =
if 'Communications' in fname:
new_name = fname.replace('Communications', 'Comms')
arcpy.AlterField_management(fc,, new_name,\
Then we loop through all the field names.
fc = 'World_Ports'
fieldList = arcpy.ListFields(fc)
for field in fieldList:
fname =
if 'Communications' in fname:
new_name = fname.replace('Communications', 'Comms')
arcpy.AlterField_management(fc,, new_name,\
Finally, if we find the word "Communications" we replace it with Comms in both the field name and alias.
fc = 'World_Ports'
fieldList = arcpy.ListFields(fc)
for field in fieldList:
fname =
if 'Communications' in fname:
new_name = fname.replace('Communications', 'Comms')
arcpy.AlterField_management(fc,, new_name,\
Running scripts in the Python window should return errors. However, sometimes the script fails without an error.
Add print commands to better understand where things might be going wrong.
fc = 'World_Ports'
fieldList = arcpy.ListFields(fc)
for field in fieldList:
fname =
print("old name: ",fname)
if 'Communications' in fname:
new_name = fname.replace('Communications', 'Comms')
print("new name: ",new_name)
arcpy.AlterField_management(fc,, new_name,\
People often don't add comments to small scripts, but it is always a good idea!
If you intend to save the script for later (which you should), a few comments make it easier to understand.
# Select a feature class
fc = 'World_Ports'
# List all the fields in feature class
fieldList = arcpy.ListFields(fc)
# Loop through all the fields
for field in fieldList:
fname =
# Find the word "Communications" in the field name
if 'Communications' in fname:
new_name = fname.replace('Communications', 'Comms')
# In-Place modication of the field name (caution!)
arcpy.AlterField_management(fc,, new_name,\
Time to step out of the room, stretch, and talk to your neighbor!
Python can be a good way to do complex field calculations.
In this example, we will add a field called PiratePorts based on attributes of ports that are ideal for our deep draft sailing frigate.
Copy this script.
from qgis.core import *
from qgis.gui import *
@qgsfunction(args='auto', group='Custom')
def pirateports(depth, provisions, water, security,\
feature, parent):
depth = float(depth)
if (water =="No" or depth <= 6.0):
return "Avast!"
elif security=="Yes":
return "Avast"
elif (provisions=="Yes" and water=="Yes"):
return "Aye!"
return "Aye"
Open Field Calculator in QGIS. Add your script to the Function Editor and click Save and Load.
Then call your function from the Expression in Field Calculator.
pirateports("Channel Depth", "Supplies - Provisions", "Supplies - Potable Water", "Port Security")
This script goes through a few logic steps and assigns a value.
from qgis.core import *
from qgis.gui import *
@qgsfunction(args='auto', group='Custom')
def pirateports(depth, provisions, water, security,\
feature, parent):
depth = float(depth)
if (water =="No" or depth <= 6.0):
return "Avast!"
elif security=="Yes":
return "Avast"
elif (provisions=="Yes" and water=="Yes"):
return "Aye!"
return "Aye"
Note the "\" symbol just means a line break to make long lines easier to read.
We import some QGIS libraries.
from qgis.core import *
from qgis.gui import *
@qgsfunction(args='auto', group='Custom')
def pirateports(depth, provisions, water, security,\
feature, parent):
depth = float(depth)
if (water =="No" or depth <= 6.0):
return "Avast!"
elif security=="Yes":
return "Avast"
elif (provisions=="Yes" and water=="Yes"):
return "Aye!"
return "Aye"
Then we define a name for our function and assign the inputs to variables. QGIS needs the feature and parent variables even though we don't supply them when we run the expression.
from qgis.core import *
from qgis.gui import *
@qgsfunction(args='auto', group='Custom')
def pirateports(depth, provisions, water, security,\
feature, parent):
depth = float(depth)
if (water =="No" or depth <= 6.0):
return "Avast!"
elif security=="Yes":
return "Avast"
elif (provisions=="Yes" and water=="Yes"):
return "Aye!"
return "Aye"
In order to do math, we let it know depth is decimal. We need access to fresh water and at least 6m depth for our ship.
If a port doesn't have those essentials, it is a definite no (Avast!).
from qgis.core import *
from qgis.gui import *
@qgsfunction(args='auto', group='Custom')
def pirateports(depth, provisions, water, security,\
feature, parent):
depth = float(depth)
if (water =="No" or depth <= 6.0):
return "Avast!"
elif security=="Yes":
return "Avast"
elif (provisions=="Yes" and water=="Yes"):
return "Aye!"
return "Aye"
Since we are pirates, having port security isn't ideal.
These are a soft no (Avast).
from qgis.core import *
from qgis.gui import *
@qgsfunction(args='auto', group='Custom')
def pirateports(depth, provisions, water, security,\
feature, parent):
depth = float(depth)
if (water =="No" or depth <= 6.0):
return "Avast!"
elif security=="Yes":
return "Avast"
elif (provisions=="Yes" and water=="Yes"):
return "Aye!"
return "Aye"
It would be nice to restock our stores and get water at the same time.
These ports are a hearty yes (Aye!).
from qgis.core import *
from qgis.gui import *
@qgsfunction(args='auto', group='Custom')
def pirateports(depth, provisions, water, security,\
feature, parent):
depth = float(depth)
if (water =="No" or depth <= 6.0):
return "Avast!"
elif security=="Yes":
return "Avast"
elif (provisions=="Yes" and water=="Yes"):
return "Aye!"
return "Aye"
Finally if we haven't eliminated the port or confirmed it is a great option, it is a soft yes (Aye).
from qgis.core import *
from qgis.gui import *
@qgsfunction(args='auto', group='Custom')
def pirateports(depth, provisions, water, security,\
feature, parent):
depth = float(depth)
if (water =="No" or depth <= 6.0):
return "Avast!"
elif security=="Yes":
return "Avast"
elif (provisions=="Yes" and water=="Yes"):
return "Aye!"
return "Aye"
Copy this code.
def pirateports(depth, provisions, water, security):
depth = float(depth)
if (water =="No" or depth <= 6.0):
return "Avast!"
elif security=="Yes":
return "Avast"
elif (provisions=="Yes" and water=="Yes"):
return "Aye!"
return "Aye"
Open the attribute table and click Calculate Field. Add your script to Code Block and your function to Expression and Apply.
See QGIS section, unlike tools/algorithms, Python logic is exactly the same between the two softwares.
The only difference is we don't need feature & parent and we add ! instead of " to the field names in the expression.
def pirateports(depth, provisions, water, security):
depth = float(depth)
if (water =="No" or depth <= 6.0):
return "Avast!"
elif security=="Yes":
return "Avast"
elif (provisions=="Yes" and water=="Yes"):
return "Aye!"
return "Aye"
Time to step out of the room, stretch, and talk to your neighbor
Standalone Python scripts are handy if you need it to run without opening desktop software.
They are also used for integrating many different types of applications and making your own application.
There are many spatial libraries for Python outside of those associated with ArcGIS and QGIS. Here are just a few:
We'll use GeoPandas today.
In the upcoming examples we want to find ports with shipwrecks nearby that we can loot.
First, you'll need all the dependencies.
If you've commited to conda, open Terminal/Command and enter:
conda install geopandas
Skip down if you prefer pip.
You may find you have to troubleshoot and install additional dependent libraries if you use pip. You must install in the following order.
pip install GDAL
pip install Pyproj
pip install Fiona
pip install Shapely
pip install GeoPandas
Open IDLE File/New and paste in:
import geopandas as gpd
ports = gpd.read_file('C:/GIS/PirateData.gpkg',layer='World_Ports')
wrecks = gpd.read_file('C:/GIS/PirateData.gpkg',layer='AWOIS_Wrecks')
ports = ports.to_crs(3395)
wrecks = wrecks.to_crs(3395)
ports['geometry'] = ports.buffer(distance = 1000)
joined_data = gpd.sjoin(ports, wrecks)
group = joined_data.groupby(['WorldPortIndexNumber',\
print(group.nlargest(10, 'wrecks'))
Click Run, Run Module. You will need to save the file.
You should see a table output in the Shell window:
What is the script doing?
First we import GeoPandas and give it an abbreviated name. We use GeoPandas to read our geopackage data.
import geopandas as gpd
ports = gpd.read_file('C:/GIS/PirateData.gpkg'\
wrecks = gpd.read_file('C:/GIS/PirateData.gpkg'\
Next we convert it to a projected coordinate system.
We don't need high accuracy, but we definitely don't want to leave it in decimal degrees.
ports = ports.to_crs(3395)
wrecks = wrecks.to_crs(3395)
The number is the EPSG code:
Note that the units are meters which is the distance value we will use on the next slide.
After that we buffer our ports. We reassign the buffer as the geometry in our ports dataframe so we get to keep all the attributes.
Then, we spatial join to wrecks to get a count of wrecks within that distance of a port.
ports['geometry'] = ports.buffer(distance = 1000)
joined_data = gpd.sjoin(ports, wrecks)
Try adjusting the buffer distance and re-running the model.
Finally we group the data by World Port Index & Main Port Name and get a count of all the wrecks in each buffer area.
group = joined_data.groupby(['WorldPortIndexNumber',\
print(group.nlargest(10, 'count'))
Try adjusting the number of table records returned in nlargest and re-running the model.
You'll need QGIS installed to try this out.
First in QGIS copy and paste:
import processing
ports = 'C:/GIS/PirateData.gpkg|layername=World_Ports'
wrecks = 'C:/GIS/PirateData.gpkg|layername=AWOIS_Wrecks'
outputs = {}
outputs['ReprojectWrecks'] ='native:reprojectlayer',\
{'INPUT': wrecks,
'TARGET_CRS': QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem('EPSG:3395'),
outputs['ReprojectPorts'] ='native:reprojectlayer',\
{'INPUT': ports,
'TARGET_CRS': QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem('EPSG:3395'),
outputs['Buffer'] ='native:buffer',\
{'DISSOLVE': False,
'DISTANCE': 1000,
'INPUT': outputs['ReprojectPorts']['OUTPUT'],
outputs['CountPointsInPolygon'] ='native:countpointsinpolygon',\
'FIELD': 'wrecks',
'POINTS': outputs['ReprojectWrecks']['OUTPUT'],
'POLYGONS': outputs['Buffer']['OUTPUT'],
request = qgis.core.QgsFeatureRequest()
clause = qgis.core.QgsFeatureRequest.OrderByClause('wrecks', ascending=False)
orderby = qgis.core.QgsFeatureRequest.OrderBy([clause])
lyr = outputs['CountPointsInPolygon']['OUTPUT']
features = lyr.getFeatures(request)
selected_columns = ['MainPortName','wrecks']
for i, feature in enumerate(features):
if i < 10:
attrs = [feature.attribute(col) for col in selected_columns]
First, we import our libraries and locate our data.
import processing
ports = 'C:/GIS/PirateData.gpkg|layername=World_Ports'
wrecks = 'C:/GIS/PirateData.gpkg|layername=AWOIS_Wrecks'
outputs = {}
Then we reproject our data.
outputs['ReprojectWrecks'] ='native:reprojectlayer',\
{'INPUT': wrecks,
'TARGET_CRS': QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem('EPSG:3395'),
outputs['ReprojectPorts'] ='native:reprojectlayer',\
{'INPUT': ports,
'TARGET_CRS': QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem('EPSG:3395'),
Next, we buffer our reprojected ports and count the wrecks in the buffer.
outputs['Buffer'] ='native:buffer',\
{'DISSOLVE': False,
'DISTANCE': 1000,
'INPUT': outputs['ReprojectPorts']['OUTPUT'],
outputs['CountPointsInPolygon'] ='native:countpointsinpolygon',\
'FIELD': 'wrecks',
'POINTS': outputs['ReprojectWrecks']['OUTPUT'],
'POLYGONS': outputs['Buffer']['OUTPUT'],
Then we sort by the number of wrecks and specify our output fields.
request = qgis.core.QgsFeatureRequest()
clause = qgis.core.QgsFeatureRequest.OrderByClause('wrecks', ascending=False)
orderby = qgis.core.QgsFeatureRequest.OrderBy([clause])
lyr = outputs['CountPointsInPolygon']['OUTPUT']
features = lyr.getFeatures(request)
selected_columns = ['MainPortName','wrecks']
Finally, we iterate through the first ten rows of data and print those out.
for i, feature in enumerate(features):
if i < 10:
attrs = [feature.attribute(col) for col in selected_columns]
To make it standalone, we need to add some code before after our main script and change the way we load the layers.
from qgis.core import *
QgsApplication.setPrefixPath("/path/to/qgis", True)
qgs = QgsApplication([], False)
# Insert main script here
# Change the load layers
ports = QGISVectorLayer('C:/GIS/PirateData.gpkg|/
layername=World_Ports', 'World_Ports', 'ogr')
wrecks = QGISVectorLayer('C:/GIS/PirateData.gpkg|/
layername=AWOIS_Wrecks', 'AWOIS_Wrecks', 'ogr')
Try stringing together your data and algorithms using Graphical Modeler.
Then export to Python and adjust from there.
Try ChatGPT:
First in ArcGIS Pro, copy and paste:
import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:\GIS\output.gdb"
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
ports = r"C:\GIS\PirateData.gdb\World_Ports"
wrecks = r"C:\GIS\PirateData.gdb\AWOIS_Wrecks"
ports_projected =,\
"ports_projected", arcpy.SpatialReference(3395))
wrecks_projected =,\
"wrecks_projected", arcpy.SpatialReference(3395))
buffer_distance = "1000 Meters"
port_buffer = arcpy.analysis.Buffer(ports_projected,\
"port_buffer", buffer_distance)
spatial_join = arcpy.analysis.SpatialJoin(port_buffer,\
wrecks_projected, "port_wrecks",\
output_table = arcpy.analysis.Statistics(spatial_join,\
"point_count", [["WorldPortIndexNumber", "COUNT"]],\
"WorldPortIndexNumber"), "WorldPortIndexNumber",\
output_table, "WorldPortIndexNumber")
output_fc = "top_10_buffers", output_fc,\
[["COUNT_WorldPortIndexNumber", "DESCENDING"]])
fields = ['MainPortName','COUNT_WorldPortIndexNumber']
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(output_fc, fields) as cursor:
for i in range(10):
for row in cursor:
First we import arcpy, set up our environment, & load our data. ArcPy has some tools that do not work in temporary workspaces, so setting up a geodatabase that you overwrite works best.
import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:\GIS\output.gdb"
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
ports = r"C:\GIS\PirateData.gdb\World_Ports"
wrecks = r"C:\GIS\PirateData.gdb\AWOIS_Wrecks"
Then we reproject our data and buffer our reprojected ports.
ports_projected =,\
"ports_projected", arcpy.SpatialReference(3395))
wrecks_projected =,\
"wrecks_projected", arcpy.SpatialReference(3395))
buffer_distance = "1000 Meters"
port_buffer = arcpy.analysis.Buffer(ports_projected,\
"port_buffer", buffer_distance)
Next, we join our projected wrecks to our buffer, calculate statistics, and join the statistics data to our buffer.
spatial_join = arcpy.analysis.SpatialJoin(port_buffer,\
wrecks_projected, "port_wrecks",\
output_table = arcpy.analysis.Statistics(spatial_join,\
"point_count", [["WorldPortIndexNumber", "COUNT"]],\
"WorldPortIndexNumber"), "WorldPortIndexNumber",\
output_table, "WorldPortIndexNumber")
Finally, we sort our counts and iterate over the data to output the top 10.
output_fc = "top_10_buffers", output_fc,\
[["COUNT_WorldPortIndexNumber", "DESCENDING"]])
fields = ['MainPortName','COUNT_WorldPortIndexNumber']
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(output_fc, fields) as cursor:
for i in range(10):
for row in cursor:
Unlike QGIS, you don't need to change anything to run this script outside of ArcGIS Pro other than saving it with a .py extension.
Since you might have multiple instances of Python, the best bet is to open the one that is installed with ArcGIS Pro:
C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\bin\Python\envs\arcgispro-py3\python.exe
Then enter this in the Python Interpreter to run your script:
exec(open("C:/GIS/").read(), globals())
Try stringing together your data and tools using Model builder.
Then export to Python and adjust from there.
Try ChatGPT:
In my limited testing, the results for ArcPy were not as good as those for PyQGIS.
Time to step out of the room, stretch, and talk to your neighbor!
The Jupyter Notebook is the original web application for creating and sharing computational documents. It offers a simple, streamlined, document-centric experience.
Basically it is a really handy way to show and share your work.
It also is a friendly way to test your own code and explore data.
Open Jupyter Notebook either within ArcGIS Pro, or by opening a command prompt and typing:
jupyter notebook
For the first example, we'll be using GeoPandas again, so open the notebook from the same Python install where that package is saved.
The high seas are parts of the ocean not controlled by any country. This seems like an ideal space for a pirate to attack another ship.
In this example we'll determine the number of attacks that take place in the high seas.
Create a new notebook by clicking the new button on the upper right and selecting Python 3.
You'll see a window with an "In" cell where you will enter your first bit of code.
import geopandas as gpd
Next, let's import our files.
We're adding the pirate attacks and the high seas extents.
import geopandas as gpd
attacks = gpd.read_file('C:/GIS/PirateData.gpkg',layer='ASAM_Events')
seas = gpd.read_file('C:/GIS/PirateData.gpkg',layer='High_Seas')
Then we will use head to show us a sample of our attacks data.
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
attacks = gpd.read_file('C:/GIS/PirateData.gpkg',\
seas = gpd.read_file('C:/GIS/PirateData.gpkg',\
Go ahead and click the Run button and you should see some sample data.
Leave your first cell as it is and go to the next one (running should have generated a new cell below your output).
We'll continue our script.
Click Run and you can enjoy an interactive map!
Go to the next cell and enter:
print("attacks = ", len(attacks))
print("high seas areas = ", len(seas))
Click Run.
We get the number of records in each dataset. We wrap them in a print command so we can run both together.
Go to the next cell and enter:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 15))
attacks.plot(ax=ax, alpha=0.7, color="red")
Click Run.
In this case we have created a static map that can be exported to an image.
Thinking back to our first GeoPandas example, how would you update the coordinate system and do a spatial join?
Here's the solution:
attacks = attacks.to_crs(3395)
seas = seas.to_crs(3395)
joined_data = gpd.sjoin(seas, attacks)
print("Percent attacks on the high seas: ",\
We print out the number of records and can see out of 8771 total attacks, 464 were on the high_seas.
See if you can do something similar with ArcPy or PyQGIS in Jupyter based on the prior examples.
Remember to break it up into chunks so you can test bit by bit.
You can share a ready to run notebook by giving someone the ipynb file.
They will need any libraries you reference installed to run it.
However, you can also use tools like binder to provide it to someone as an executable environment (no software required).
Probably the strongest contender for spatial data automation is FME.
Think about who will want to use your script.
If it is not for people in your company, using open source options is the best path. (sorry ArcGIS Pro!)
Installing libraries can be frustrating, so think carefully about which ones you need to use.
Think about functionality.
Other languages may have functionalities that are better for certain tasks or workflows. For example, R is often used for statistical analysis, and JavaScript is used for web-based mapping applications.
Think about performance.
Some geospatial tasks, such as processing large datasets or performing complex analysis, may require a programming language that is more optimized for performance, such as C++ or Java.
That's all! Thank you for participating and I wish you fair winds and following seas.
Bond Harper