MaptimeLA presents:
Python +
BeautifulSoup +
Python is a programming language.
It is commonly used in GIS, math, and science.
If you are used to languages like JavaScript, some key differences are:
• indents instead of brackets
• variables are local (no var)
• unicode strings are prefixed by u
Python has a lot of libraries.
These contain code you can use via shortcuts.
Use pip for installing libraries. Recent installs should come with pip. Use pip --version to check in command line.
Use pip (or your preferred method) to install BeautifulSoup4:
pip install beautifulsoup4
BeautifulSoup is a library for extracting data from html and xml.
Use pip (or your preferred method) to install requests:
pip install requests
Requests is a library for extracting data from html and xml.
Let's write some Python to get the gages from this LA County page as a csv.
But first, inspect the page to learn more about the structure of the data we want.
We start by importing the libraries we need:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import csv
Then we fetch the site using requests:
url = ""
response = requests.get(url)
code = response.content
Time to make soup:
soup = BeautifulSoup(code, "html.parser")
table = soup.find('table',
attrs={"summary" : "Table
contains ALERT raingage list"})
Parse the table together:
Time for QGIS!
QGIS is a free geographic information system software for making maps and analyzing spatial data.
The longitude is missing the negative sign. We will add it in QGIS:
Now we can add the table as points.
Turn on the basemap using OpenLayers and save as a shapefile.
Now let's write some Python to get the rainfall from individual gages as a csv.
But first, inspect the page to learn more about the structure of the data we want.
Python for individual gage:
Now we are going to use relations in QGIS to relate the rain to our gage points:
Now what can you do? As an example we could sum and color the gage by rainfall: